Where to get help
At LJMU, find diverse support services for your needs, including crisis help, wellbeing advisors, and workshops. Contact us or explore our online resources.
At LJMU, find diverse support services for your needs, including crisis help, wellbeing advisors, and workshops. Contact us or explore our online resources.
LJMU's Mental Health Advisors provide one-to-one support for students facing mental health challenges. Access assessments, resources, and ongoing support.
LJMU is committed to improving student mental health and is leading on a project to improve student mental health provision, working in partnership with key organisations in the city.
Continuing students can search for their accommodation using the Liverpool Student Homes service. We provide some helpful advice to keep in mind when searching for your next home.
Library facilities, software and support for users with disabilities.
LJMU provides access to LinkedIn Learning: an online video-based learning platform.
Copyright advice for LJMU students, researchers and staff.
The Children's Reading Corner provides a space and resources for education students, early years practitioners, and the wider community.
Access to additional information resources through purchase request, Inter Library Loan and Digital Scanning Service.
User guides on how to access and use LJMU Library resources.