Michael Richter
Natural Sciences and Psychology
Natural Sciences and Psychology
School of Psychology
School of Psychology
School of Psychology
Since joining the United Nations’ Principles of Responsible Management Education initiative (PRME) in 2020, the world entered an unprecedented time of volatility and uncertainty. Despite that, Liverpool Business School continued to grow all aspects of its portfolio, including our commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
COMPASS is the LJMU Faculty of Science’s response to this environment and provides guidance on when it is OK to use AI within your Modules’ coursework and exams. Our aim is to provide you with opportunities to learn how to use AI tools responsibly and ethically.
The Engage, Educate and Enhance public engagement programme within the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences offers a range of activities and services. Find out more about some of our projects and expertise.
Find out how The Football Exchange Women's Network aims to connect women working in football by offering opportunities for curriculum placements.
97% of our research activity is rated world-leading or internationally excellent within RISES. Find out about our Biomechanics, Brain and Behaviour, Cardiovascular Health Sciences, Exercise Metabolism and Adaptation, Psychology and Development research groups and our exchanges: the Physical Activity Exchange and the Football Exchange.
Discover our huge range of continuing professional development courses in health and social care.