Study tempers hopes of 'voice assistant' retail boom
Millions of consumers could end up giving shopping-with-Alexa a miss unless retailers improve the buying experience, according to new research published this week by Liverpool Business School.
Millions of consumers could end up giving shopping-with-Alexa a miss unless retailers improve the buying experience, according to new research published this week by Liverpool Business School.
Local LGBTQ+ group get hands on at IM Marsh Food Kitchens.
One in four of us have experienced time as moving faster or slower than normal since the COVID pandemic began.
As the new academic year begins and our campus becomes busy once more, staff are reminded to ensure that all faults are reported via the respective Helpdesks.
The School of Law held a discussion day on Tuesday on Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine for people to learn more about the legal context of the war.
Research shows that far from choosing safe and familiar locations, holidaymakers prefer places they know little about.
Over the coming months we will be running a series of staff stress workshops.
Result of the recent Academic Board election
Reindeer from one 'genetic ancestry' travel ten times further on average than others
Nominations are sought to fill one vacancy on the Board of Governors for a Staff Governor (Teaching) for the period 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2023.