Information relating to employment
Information relating to employment
Information relating to employment
Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies
Cycle Scheme and car parking
Following interviews, the successful candidate should be contacted verbally to confirm the outcome of the interview and confirm that a formal offer will be issued by the HR department.
Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) is a prospective process for monitoring and reviewing the University’s taught undergraduate and postgraduate provision to ensure alignment with external and internal threshold standards, as well as for regularly reviewing programmes to see how they can be developed further to enhance the student experience.
Remote working during COVID and hybrid working have identified a need to improve how the Wellbeing Assessment Group manages surveys and assessments. We plan to make the process more effective by moving our survey questionnaires online and use Microsoft Forms.
Student Number Target Setting is the internal allocation of student numbers (and FTEs) that need to fall within the requirements of the HEFCE student number control and parameters set by other public funding bodies.
See how relaxation techniques can help you feel less stressed, improve your sleep quality, increase your concentration and memory, and reduce symptoms of anxiety.
Board of Governors
See resources and advice on maintaining a healthy weight and how to manage your diet.