Young artist awarded first Liverpool Biennial and LJMU Fellowship
Rosa Johan Uddoh is the first artist to receive the Liverpool Biennial Fellowship founded by Liverpool John Moores University.
Rosa Johan Uddoh is the first artist to receive the Liverpool Biennial Fellowship founded by Liverpool John Moores University.
The Liverpool School of Art & Design will be opening its doors to the public to showcase this year’s talented undergraduates. The theme of this year’s show is ‘Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?’
2023 is a big year for Liverpool John Moores University. Not only is it our bicentenary marking 200 years since the institution was founded and became the LJMU as we know it today, there’s also so much going on across the city over the coming months.
LJMU’s latest Faculty of Health graduates had cause for double celebration today as they officially picked up their qualifications in the same month that the NHS turned 75.
Student Futures, LJMUs Careers, Employability and Enterprise team, have a range of exciting, paid internship opportunities available for L5 and 6 (second and third year) students working on a real-life project for a local business/SME.
RE: The LJMU Together (LGBTIQ+) Staff Network and EDI Team, invite YOU to participate in a series of activities and events to mark LGBT+ History Month 2021!
A one university approach for teaching and learning
LJMU Chancellor Sir Brian Leveson welcomes delegates from universities across the world at the European Association for International Education conference in Liverpool.
On national Young Carers Awareness Day, LJMU announced an official package of specialised support to ensure young carers are able to benefit from the advantages a university education can provide.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Robert Hough CBE DL at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 13 July 2016.