It might appear to be a daunting task to try and publish a piece of work on your own, find out why it may be worthwhile to think about publishing with others and working in writing teams.
It might appear to be a daunting task to try and publish a piece of work on your own, find out why it may be worthwhile to think about publishing with others and working in writing teams.
Invest in your future success with a postgraduate degree. Postgraduate study will improve your career prospects and help you achieve your professional and personal goals. As a postgraduate student you can focus on your specific interests, expand your knowledge and undertake worthwhile and exciting research.
Liverpool Business School
Pledge to contribute to nurturing and inspiring to drive Advanced Practice forward.
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Nursing and Advanced Practice
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Essentially students were encouraged to write reflections about their current thinking within the Blackboard Journal tool.
For some professional programmes the University is required to make a judgement on a students' fitness to practise a certain range of skills and professional behavior. This is entirely separate from any academic judgment issues that the University is required to make.