Updates to family friendly policies at LJMU
New family-friendly legislation has now come into force in the UK. Find out what it means for LJMU staff.
New family-friendly legislation has now come into force in the UK. Find out what it means for LJMU staff.
Former LJMU Sport Scholar Nikita Parris will play as a forward with the Lionesses as they bid to win the UEFA Womens Euro 2022 tournament
Secondary school pupils have been recognised by LJMUs Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) Professor Phil Vickerman for demonstrating what respect means to them, and their school communities, as part of a creative competition.
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) has been confirmed as the education partner at the much-anticipated Littlewoods Film and TV Studios being developed in the city by CAPITAL&CENTRIC with Liverpool City Council.
In a new study, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, researchers have for the first time simulated how these massive stars seemingly fade away and disappear when they enter their pre-explosion phase.
Was Manchester Art Gallery's removal of JW Waterhouse's Hylas and the Nymphs a brilliant conversation-starter or a PC act of censorship? History of Art lecturer Dr Juliet Caroll and students give their thoughts
Liverpool's Albert Dock is set to be the backdrop for a high-profile LJMU archaeological dig later this month.
Leading sport scientist puts the case for not locking-down leisure
What do you think LJMU’s priorities should be around sustainability and climate change?
School of Law students enjoy successful work interships in legal departments across the city