New student registration and student ID cards September 2024
Don't forget to complete your online registration and find out how you’ll get your student ID card.
Don't forget to complete your online registration and find out how you’ll get your student ID card.
How new students can update your funding application if you originally planned to attend a different university.
Veteran among tens of thousands trained since 1849
Book onto the mental health and wellbeing training now.
Researchers at LJMU's Forensic Research Institute to train police in new field techniques
Ever wondered what goes on in an Olympic athlete’s mind just before the start of a race? Or what an Olympic athlete's training schedule looks like? We caught up with LJMU Sport and Exercise Sciences Lecturer and Women’s 4x400m Relay Olympic Bronze medallist, Kelly Massey, to find out.
Memberships from £30 for students and £50 for staff/alumni
The university is making good progress on a series of major projects to enhance student and staff facilities at Byrom Street.
The International Journal of Criminology and Policing Education launched by LJMU, Leeds Trinity and Higher Education Research Hub
LJMU has appointed six Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion (ADDI), representing each of the five faculties and professional services, to support the university in driving forward the diversity and inclusion agenda.