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  1. Celebrating Cultures Event

    The celebrating cultures event this year had India, China, Canada, Pakistan, Colombia, Nepal, England, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lesotho, Scotland, Vietnam, Nigeria, Indonesia, Greece, Italy, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Iran, Somalia and Brazil being represented. Following this event, an international student wrote a reflection on their experience in participating.

  2. In Memoriam: Dr Larry DeNardis

    It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Honorary Fellow, Dr Larry DeNardis, the former US Congressman.

  3. Confidential Waste Policy update

    The updated policy includes further information on disposing of small amounts of confidential waste in confidential waste bins across the university and on how you can order secure bags for larger quantities.

  4. Work culture key to success of digital roll outs

    Research by the Institute of Capital Culture, a collaboration between LJMU and the University of Liverpool, has found that creating a positive digital culture at work and encouraging worker confidence in digital tools are the most important factors in ensuring digital roll-outs are successful.