Juan Ahuir Torres
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
LJMU has a special relationship with Bahrain. Find out more about studying at LJMU, what our alumni say, entry requirements for Bahraini students and the range of scholarships you may be eligible to apply for.
Barbour ABI provides construction intelligence to UK businesses, including economic reviews, market insights and also the up to date provision of business leads from building and construction.
Researchers from the School of Computer Science and Mathematics specialise in a wide range of subjects, find out more.
Learn more about the work our Research and Innovation Services department does within LJMU.
Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Our research strategy has a strong focus on working with external partners. Find out more about our multidiscipline, collaborative and international approach to research has helped us build a solid reputation for producing world-class research within: Entrepreneurship and small business, Public management, Public and Private sector Evaluation research and Research with practitioners
Find out more about a workplace reasonable adjustment passport (WRAP) which serves as a live record of your agreed workplace adjustment needs with your line manager.
Liverpool John Moores University joined the Athena SWAN charter in 2014 and was first presented with an Institutional Bronze award in 2014, in recognition of ongoing work relating to gender equality. Since then, LJMU had a second successful submission of their Institutional Bronze award in 2017.