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Our Chancellor, Sir Brian Leveson, has unveiled a plaque to officially open our fantastic Student Life Building.
LJMU were joined by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE DL & Professor Greg Whyte to launch new Disability Sport and Physical Activity Network (DisSPA Network) this month.
At a time when COVID 19 has made people fearful, isolated or alone, Jeff Youngs new book, Ghost Town, offers not only a fascinating read but also a reflection on all those things that are important to us, our families, friends and communities. Its a deeply felt and beautifully written journey through Jeffs Liverpool childhood, the adult writer stalking Liverpool alone or with friends, searching for a past lost, regained, remembered so viscerally that the reader feels intimately connected to the child Jeff longing to leave the hospital where hes had his tonsils removed or to the older man out walking with writer friend, Horatio Clare, in search of de Quincey in Everton.
LJMU welcomed Helen Marriage, the Co-founder and Director of Artichoke arts production company, to its first Luminary Lecture of 2022.
Scientists at the Astrophysics Research Institute are shedding light on one of the brightest events in the history of the Universe.
Curator joins LJMU's School of Art and Design Exhibition Research Lab for a 12 month research project.
Thousands employed in the fishing industry face debt and financial hardship, according to findings from the Research Unit for Financial Inclusion at Liverpool John Moores University.
LJMU biologist in unique discovery on UK beach
Nominations are sought to fill one vacancy on the Board of Governors for a Staff Governor (Teaching) for the period 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2023.