Eduardo Blanco Davis
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering
LJMU Brand Personality and You
Explore the funding opportunities available for postgraduate taught students at Liverpool John Moores University.
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement or ‘PPIE’ has become a wide-spread phenomenon in health and social care research. PPIE is considered the gold standard of research and is typically required by funding bodies (such as the NIHR) to access grant funding.
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
You can study a wide range of subjects abroad with LJMU. Explore your options and find the perfect international study opportunity for you.
Discover the funding options available for postgraduate research students at Liverpool John Moores University and whether you are eligible to apply.
At Liverpool Business School (LBS), we are committed to unlocking the potential of your managers, leaders and executives with our award-winning team of experts.
Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
The LAC is staffed by students, and supervised by experienced clinic staff and volunteer solicitors from leading Liverpool law firms. The Centre advises on a wide range of legal issues, provides public legal information services and conducts policy and other research.