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  1. Nickianne Moody

    Nickianne worked at LJMU for just short of 30 years, teaching on and then leading the university’s Media and Cultural Studies provision. Sadly, she died in 2019 following a period of illness, leaving behind a multitude of memories and legacies for students and academics alike.

  2. Grad Academy 2025

    Prepare for post-grad life with Grad Academy, LJMU's premier transition program for 2023 and 2024 graduates. Unlock your future success now.

  3. CPD Cell Technology

    This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course will provide you with an understanding of cell culture relating to research and commercial exploitation.

  4. Liverpool Business School Degree Apprenticeships 

    Liverpool Business School, a Faculty within Liverpool John Moores University is located within the Redmonds Building. Liverpool John Moores University, recognises that trained managers can transform business performance; the Government apprenticeship scheme is an opportunity to enable this transformation.