Why do we love an underdog?
Sport psychologist Dr Gill Cook in BBC podcast Mental Muscle
Sport psychologist Dr Gill Cook in BBC podcast Mental Muscle
Fuel poverty experts Neil Simcock, Lucie Middlemiss and Aimee Ambrose explain why this week's mini-budget was a missed opportunity.
Fashion students have collaborated with BEPO to create a sustainable Eurovision collection for Liverpool ONE’s John Lewis
New and improved Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) for Module Leaders is now available on Webhub.
This week you’ll receive your results but how do you access them? What do they mean? And what should you do if you don’t get the results you wanted? Read our guidance and advice below.
Students of LJMU studying Product Design were able to meet with industry partners, engineering and design companies as well as showcase their work at the end of year product design show.
Two new online modules on Resilience and Appraisals are available from the Learning and Development Foundation
There are still many staff training opportunities available this academic year, through to the end of July 2023, covering a range of topics.
In January 2015 Library Services piloted the use of a reading list management system, Rebus:List with 27 academics across the University with a soft launch that Summer.
Staff are invited to take part in a Making Every Contact Count training day on Monday 15 January.