Bob Steventon
We have received the sad news that our former Energy and Environment Manager Bob Steventon passed away earlier this week.
We have received the sad news that our former Energy and Environment Manager Bob Steventon passed away earlier this week.
As part of our employee wellbeing focus, we are again offering staff a voucher for a free winter flu jab.
Most exams in April and May 2022 will be held online. There are a small number of examinations which will be held in-person due to specific requirements of the professional body.
As part of the Students at the Heart conference, LJMU organised a special Bicentenary celebration room to highlight 200 years of LJMU and celebrate our history.
A LJMU student was astounded after a private message to marketing guru Steven Bartlett landed him a job within 10 minutes.
To celebrate this special milestone year, we’ve added a range of branded templates and assets to our brand and design hub for all staff to access and use throughout the year.
LJMU has awarded 21 VC PhD Studentship awards to exceptional students at the university.
As part of our commitment to employee wellbeing, we are again offering staff vouchers for a free winter flu jab.
Curator joins LJMU's School of Art and Design Exhibition Research Lab for a 12 month research project.
From community sports clubs that support people with special educational needs to premier league football clubs, 173 students have undertaken 14,730 hours of work-based placements this academic year.