Oladayo Bifarin
Nursing and Advanced Practice
Nursing and Advanced Practice
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The LJMU Go Global fund allows students to undertake international projects, from existing programmes such as Camp America or TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) courses, to individual projects students have designed themselves. Find out more about the Global Citizen and Global Scholar funding schemes available to LJMU students.
CPD course to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches, and apply psychosocial suicide prevention approaches in practice.
In this CPD course you'll enhance your knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to current renal clinical working so you can deliver high quality patient/client-centered care.
CPD course to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches and apply psychosocial suicide prevention approaches in practice.
School of Justice Studies
Our project aims to develop a charter that outlines the support that LJMU provides students faced with life-limiting or palliative diagnoses during their studies, but who wish to continue their studies.
How LJMU Racing Team helps graduates achieve their dream career.
Liverpool Business School