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  1. Top five ways to make the most of the LJMU Libraries

    Top five ways to make the most of the LJMU Libraries. As a student at LJMU, you have amazing access to three different Library spaces across campus in the Avril Robarts, Aldham Robarts and Student Life Building.

  2. Exciting development opportunity for women to undertake action learning with peers from North West universities

    We are pleased to offer this development opportunity for up to 15 women working in academic and professional services roles to take part in cross institutional action learning sets with peers from universities in the North West region. Action learning provides a unique space for women to support each other to overcome work and career related challenges. This opportunity has been taken up previously by 150 women. Participant feedback includes: it was not role specific, so there were a range of individuals with different roles/skills/perspective which enriched my experience and It provided a rare opportunity to discuss issues confidentially outside of ones own workplace which helped me to develop more self-confidence and self-awareness.

  3. Taking Shaun the Sheep to China

    Aardman Animations is teaming up with creative technology experts in Liverpool to develop research for an immersive Shaun the Sheep experience in China.

  4. Law Students Take Part in Mock Employment Tribunal Event

    As part of LJMU's School of Law ethos to provide students with career-shaping opportunities, students recently participated in a mock employment tribunal at Liverpool Town Hall. The event allowed students to experience the inner workings of an Employment Tribunal and observe the skills and knowledge needed as they progress towards their careers in the legal sector. The students were able to experience a simulated trial thanks to the teams at Brabners, 9 St John Street Chambers and Adaptable Recruitment.