Sir Brian officially opens Student Life Building
Our Chancellor, Sir Brian Leveson, has unveiled a plaque to officially open our fantastic Student Life Building.
Our Chancellor, Sir Brian Leveson, has unveiled a plaque to officially open our fantastic Student Life Building.
'Social wifi' project hosts trio of LJMU computing teams
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Institute claims top five ranking in UK
The School of Law held a discussion day on Tuesday on Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine for people to learn more about the legal context of the war.
LJMU were joined by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE DL & Professor Greg Whyte to launch new Disability Sport and Physical Activity Network (DisSPA Network) this month.
Putting our values into practice is our joint challenge
LJMU is one of 15 teams to win the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) and an LJMU academic has also been awarded one of 54 National Teaching Fellows (NTF). Dr Philip Denton, Principal Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, is the recipient of the NTF and the paramedic team at LJMU’s Schools of Nursing and Allied Health received the CATE.
Liverpool John Moores University has teamed up with the BBC to improve gender representation in UK broadcasting.
Liverpool Health Commission, supported by LJMU, is currently midway through its inaugural investigation and is able to report a number of emerging themes.