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  1. Young chimpanzees reconcile through play

    Researchers at LJMU's School of Natural Sciences and Psychology have discovered for the first time that, unlike their adult counterparts who kiss and embrace immediately after a fight, young chimpanzees reconcile through play.

  2. LJMU relations with Nepal strengthened after researchers meet with President

    Researchers from LJMU have met with the President of Nepal, the Right honourable Bidhya Devi Bhandari, to discuss issues relating to education, gender, women's rights and social justice. Dr Sara Parker from Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Science and Rose Khatri from the Centre for Public Health recently met with the President and spoke for almost two hours.

  3. Admissions Policy update

    The LJMU Admissions Policy has recently undergone some minor amendments and the updated version can be found in the Policy Centre.