Business education drives social and environmental change
Liverpool Business School leads collaborative project to magnify impact of business learners on society
Liverpool Business School leads collaborative project to magnify impact of business learners on society
Student Futures, LJMUs Careers, Employability and Enterprise team, have a range of exciting, paid internship opportunities available for L5 and 6 (second and third year) students working on a real-life project for a local business/SME.
Office of National Statistics Award for LJMU and Public Health Wales
A new education partnership with Catapult Sports is ensuring that students have the skills and experience needed to excel as professional coaches and sports scientists.
Record deaths but many drugs not even included in figures.
Hate Crime Awareness Week is an important time to remind ourselves what constitutes a hate crime and what support is available both on and off campus.
At LJMU, above all else, we want everyone who studies here, works here and works with us, to feel respected, and to respect others.
LJMUs Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team, are pleased to offer LJMU/JMSU Staff, the opportunity to participate in a virtual Lets Talk About Dignity & Respect At Work (Bullying & Harassment) - Where Do You Draw The Line? Workshop.
For the first time astronomers, including Dr Richard Parker, of the Astrophysics Research Institute at LJMU, have caught a multiple-star system as it is created, and their observations are providing new insight into how such systems, and possibly the solar system, are formed. The amazing images taken from a series of telescopes on Earth show clouds of gas which are in the process of developing into stars.
Strength and conditioning training as well as nutritional advice and access to gym facilities is on offer for two Merseyside-based competitors.