Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Louise Ellman MP at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 13 July 2016.
LJMU’s fund for care leavers has been boosted by £50,000, thanks to one of our honorary fellows and alumni.
ACC group offers LJMU staff 50% discount.
Free coach travel to and from the event all day.
LJMU’s on campus recruitment agency, Unitemps, has won ‘Branch of the Year’ at the Unitemps Annual Awards 2024.
Updates have been made to various regulations and policies that underpin the university’s Research Degrees Framework.
Arts, Professional and Social Studies hosts BIG IDEAS event on June 8.
Assessments will be taking place from 6 to 17 January 2020. The full timetable and the link to your personalised timetable is available here
Our new curriculum management system, CourseLoop, has been live since the start of the academic year and we’d love to hear what colleagues make of it so far.