English all at sea over fish identification - try our 'Name That Tuna' quiz
Lack of consumer awareness makes conservation of fish stocks more challenging - research
Lack of consumer awareness makes conservation of fish stocks more challenging - research
Maritime connections and raising the aspirations of women lie behind LJMU’s Winter 2019 Honorary Awards.
Conor Heeney, Head of Strength & Conditioning at the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, shares his top five list of tips, tricks, and advice to support all LJMU athletes taking part in Liverpool Varsity 2022.
Top five ways to make the most of the LJMU Libraries. As a student at LJMU, you have amazing access to three different Library spaces across campus in the Avril Robarts, Aldham Robarts and Student Life Building.
LJMU offers a wide range of different services for students – from money advice and study skills workshops to careers guidance and free gym membership.
Liverpool Screen School lecturer Peter Woodbridge has been named among the most pioneering figures in the British digital and tech industry.
From community sports clubs that support people with special educational needs to premier league football clubs, 173 students have undertaken 14,730 hours of work-based placements this academic year.
School and college pupils from across the region have gained an insight into the media and creative industries, thanks to LJMU and the BBC.
Our spending habits can really impact on our sense of wellbeing and the environment. Join LJMUs Student Funding and Money Advice team as we help you develop healthier spending habits that can make you feel better about your finances and create less waste.
World-first: study demonstrates exercise promotes tumour regression in humans