New templates for the nomination of external examiners
Now incorporating a dedicated template to nominate external examiners from industry or practice.
Now incorporating a dedicated template to nominate external examiners from industry or practice.
Liverpool John Moores University has appointed a new Pro-Vice-Chancellor for External Engagement and Partnerships Dr Aileen Jones, who is currently Executive Director of Investment and Delivery at the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, will take up post at the university in September.
Claire House Children’s Hospice, The Girls’ Network, Local Solutions and Micah Liverpool are the university’s new charity partners.
The Engagement of External Auditors for Non-Audit Work Policy has been revised.
There are still many staff training opportunities available this academic year, through to the end of July 2023, covering a range of topics.
The policy has been updated to underpin the safe, sustainable and efficient occupancy and use of our internal and external spaces.
New Grants and Projects (GaP) software which provides LJMU with a collaborative creative environment for anyone applying for external funding and professional services to work together on bid and project proposals.
We have 60 on campus which anyone can access and use in the event of an emergency.
Many external (non-LJMU) websites have been hacked recently, resulting in millions of usernames and passwords being leaked and passed on to criminals.
Colleagues are encouraged to review the guidance to inform their engagement with these key quality management mechanisms this academic year.