All privacy notices
Information you need to know
- Accounting Clinic privacy notice
- Active LJMU, LJMU Sport, E&FM privacy notice
- Active Travel Steering Group privacy notice
- Alumni relations
- ARI Postgraduate Research Recruitment policy notice
- Business Clinic privacy notice
- CCTV privacy notice
- Collaborative staff privacy notice
- COVID Support COVID-19 Privacy Notice
- Doctoral Academy External Supervisors Privacy Notice
- ESIF privacy notice for SMEs and Individuals
- ESIF privacy notice for Students, Graduates and Individuals
- External Advisors privacy notice
- External Examiners: Research Programmes
- External Speakers Privacy Notice
- External Examiners: Taught Programmes
- Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies Student Success Team Privacy Notice
- Finance Department privacy notice
- ILM privacy notice
- Information Compliance privacy notice
- International Relations Team privacy notice
- IT Services Helpdesk privacy notice
- IT Services Learner Engagement privacy notice
- Legal Advice Centre
- Library Services privacy notice
- Liverpool Business School WAM System privacy notice
- LJMU Graduation Ceremonies privacy notice
- LJMU MA Short Film Festival privacy notice
- Module Evaluation Survey privacy notice
- National Schools' Observatory privacy notice
- Occupational Health privacy notice
- Outreach programme
- Photography and video consent privacy notice
- Policing Apprenticeship recruitment - Initial Skills Scans privacy notice
- Postgraduate Research Evaluation Survey (PRES) Privacy Notice
- Pre-Season Player Development Tests privacy notice
- Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey and UK Engagement Survey
- Recycled IT Kit Scheme privacy notice
- REF21 privacy notice
- Research Participants privacy notice
- Respondus Software Privacy Notice
- Researcher and Supervisor Development Training Privacy Notice
- Safety, Health and Environment Department privacy notice
- School of Nursing and Advanced Practice Privacy Notice
- Secretariat privacy notice: Information for Governors
- Staff recruitment privacy notice
- Staff telephone logs privacy notice
- Student Advice and Wellbeing service privacy notice
- Student Governance privacy notice
- Student Lifestyle and Health Survey Privacy Notice
- Student recruitment privacy notice
- Teaching And Learning Academy 3is program privacy notice
- UKSPF privacy notice for enterprises
- Validation and periodic program review privacy notice
- VC Studentships applications privacy notice
- Virtual events privacy notice
- Wireless network privacy notice