Chancellor boosts links in Asia
Read more about LJMU Chancellor Sir Brian Leveson's first overseas mission to further the university’s global partnerships in China and Malaysia, bringing benefits to students at home and abroad.
Read more about LJMU Chancellor Sir Brian Leveson's first overseas mission to further the university’s global partnerships in China and Malaysia, bringing benefits to students at home and abroad.
This Girl Can
An ambitious public-facing art exhibition CLEARANCE! is now on display at Liverpool's iconic former Lewis's department store building, showcasing the work of MA Fine Art students and graduates.
LJMU and JMSU are gearing up for another action-packed Freshers period, here's some of the key things to expect.
We look at how and why Liverpool was a catalyst for change when it came to public health and how it continues to make a difference in health care today.
LJMU’s Diversity and Inclusion Calendar is now available as a resource to all staff and students on the LJMU website.
LJMU is developing a new, more efficient process to manage our degree apprenticeship programmes.
Remember it’s really important to always lock your screen before leaving your computer, in order to protect your data.
An anthropologist at Liverpool John Moores University and other researchers have played down links between modern Asian physiology and a recently discovered early human species, Denisova hominins.
Liverpool John Moores University is celebrating after a wonderful week of graduation ceremonies at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, in which more than 4,000 students graduated across 18 ceremonies, including 96 members of staff.