EndNote software upgrade
This summer EndNote Desktop software is being upgraded from EndNote X9 to EndNote 20.
This summer EndNote Desktop software is being upgraded from EndNote X9 to EndNote 20.
If you're new to LJMU, or if you're returning to studies but have forgotten things over the break, just take a look at our new guide brought to you by our very helpful IT team.
NameCoach software has been integrated with LJMU systems to help users add name pronunciations at the bottom of email signatures.
A collaboration between astrophysicists and ecologists at Liverpool John Moores University is helping to monitor rare and endangered species and stop poaching.
New Grants and Projects (GaP) software which provides LJMU with a collaborative creative environment for anyone applying for external funding and professional services to work together on bid and project proposals.
Trainee nurses and midwives at Liverpool John Moores University will be skilled in state-of-the-art medication management technology software after the university teamed up with international software firm Better.
Do you prefer to study out of hours? Is there a pressing lab report that you need access to? No problem! LJMU is providing students with 24/7 access to IT services off campus. That means you can access Office 365 from your own device and download other software onto your own laptop/computer as well as accessing lab computers.
The Liverpool Business School and the School of Law graduated today, while Dr Steve Garnett was given an Honorary Fellowship in recognition of outstanding achievement in the use of technology in social change
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment becomes testing centre for AutoCAD and Revit
As part of LJMU’s commitment to supporting staff development, the LinkedIn Learning platform is being made available to everyone.