Search the LJMU website

  1. New hub of wellbeing events for students and staff

    We've launched the ‘Looking after your wellbeing’ event hub on the LJMU website to bring together all the different events happening across the university and help you look after your wellbeing.

  2. Help for students

    From IT support and Student Advice and Wellbeing, to who to call if you need security on campus, we’ve got you covered.

  3. Graduate and Placement Jobs Fair

    The Graduate and Placement Jobs Fair takes place on Wednesday 18 October at the Student Life Building, 12-3pm. It will feature 60+ organisations from a range of sectors looking to hire students from across all courses and disciplines. If you have a disability, health condition or are neurodivergent and find busy fairs can be overwhelming, join us from 11am for our accessibility hour.

  4. LJMU marks World Menopause Day 2023

    In recognition of World Menopause Day 2023 our staff came together for the fourth Menopause Café of the year and to talk about how we can all play a role in supporting and understanding colleagues going through the menopause.