Why algae is a forensic biologists best friend
Dr Kirstie Scott explains how diatoms provide evidence in BBC cold case
Dr Kirstie Scott explains how diatoms provide evidence in BBC cold case
LJMU’s research into Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarm ownership and the levels of CO in homes has been included in the latest report produced by the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group.
This Pension Awareness Week (11-15 September) access free, impartial, and straightforward pension information, as well as a series of live sessions.
First things first, before you arrive and start your studies there’s a few essential things you must do to officially become an LJMU student, starting with your online registration.
Its back! The 2022 Virgin Pulse (VP) Step Challenge is now open for registration.
From Monday 12th September, ITS will begin publishing all staff and student security card photos into Microsoft's 365 suite of products.
Results of the election to elect the non-teaching member of staff to the Board of Governors
As part of LJMU’s support with the rising cost of living, LJMU is offering free lunches every Friday throughout February as part of our Cook Together initiative.
Civil Engineering student from AktinsRéalis crowned by New Civil Engineer
PhD in Sport Science Paulo Barreira part of Sporting boss's backroom team