Search the LJMU website

  1. Accommodation

    Search for accommodation to suit all student needs

  2. LGBTQI+ Flags

    In 1978 gay rights activist Gilbert Baker created the first Pride flag with the goal of it being a symbol for everyone. Since then many new flags were created to represent all communities within the LGBTQI+ community.

  3. Turnitin Support

    Hopefully the collated links below will bring help (and thus good cheer) to a few of you over the winter break…

  4. Key Information

    With the start of the new academic year fast approaching there are some key changes we think it is important you are aware of.

  5. Changing your Microsoft profile picture

    Find out more about updating your profile photo. We have begun publishing all staff and student security card photos into AD/Azure. This means that the images will appear in Office 365, specifically Outlook and Teams.