'You'll Never Talk Alone' wins regional tech award
'Social wifi' project hosts trio of LJMU computing teams
'Social wifi' project hosts trio of LJMU computing teams
On Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th August 2019, the MA Art in Science programme at Liverpool School of Art and Design hosted an Art & Science Exchange workshop with members of the Biochemical Society. The exchange was held at the John Lennon Art and Design Building, in the Public Exhibition Space and X-Gallery amongst the MA Art in Science student's end of programme postgraduate exhibition, which showcases the outcomes of their three month research projects. These projects served as a basis for investigation of specific art-science interactions, and were supported by open discussions, hands on activities and a Liverpool LASER talk.
Social mobility, levelling up and what employers want from graduates are among the topics at a high profile event being hosted by Liverpool John Moores University.
All staff and students are invited to LJMU's Celebrating Cultures Event on Wednesday 15 June as part of the Students at the Heart Conference.
The winners of the John Moores Students' Union Amazing Teaching Awards 2022 have been announced with 15 winners across six categories.
Your fantastic new Pavilion at Aldham Robarts Library is now open.
Liverpool Screen School lecturer Peter Woodbridge has been named among the most pioneering figures in the British digital and tech industry.
A campaign to reduce sexual violence in bars and clubs across Liverpool City Centre has been launched today in partnership with LJMU.
The flow of gas in the Universe by which stars and planets are formed is a process controlled by a cascade of matter that begins on galactic scales.
Pharmacists-to-be are being trained on the world's first fully patient-controlled online health record.