What's going on in Liverpool this Autumn 2022
Find out all the exciting things going on across the city, this Autumn 2022, in Liverpool and at Liverpool John Moores University.
Find out all the exciting things going on across the city, this Autumn 2022, in Liverpool and at Liverpool John Moores University.
Every city tells a story: Hype and legacy of event-led cultural regeneration
For this year's Black History Month celebrations, LJMU is involved in a range of events.
Get involved in International Women's Day events across the university this March.
We spoke to Head of Corporate Events at LJMU Dawn Fantin about our forthcoming Graduation ceremonies.
Our brand new Student Life Building is open and to celebrate all our students being back on campus weve got lots of FREE and exciting activities planned for induction week (W/C 20th September).
This year LJMUs Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Team and Women Academics Network are reaching out to all faculties/areas, to find out what YOU are doing to mark International Women's Day 2021?
Fortnite, Squid Game and Artificial Intelligence are the hot topics in LJMU's new TechTalks series.
This year, LJMU s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team in partnership with LJMUs Women Academics Network, reached out to departments to find out what they were doing to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD) 2021... Read on to find out what is going on in your area!
Islamophobia Awareness Month takes place every November. Find out about the events going on at LJMU and how you can support it.