School children experience immersive technology spaces
To support the Department for Education's STEAM agenda, the Faculty of Arts and Professional Studies, has started a programme of visits from school children across the region.
To support the Department for Education's STEAM agenda, the Faculty of Arts and Professional Studies, has started a programme of visits from school children across the region.
Project helps Knowsley Safari Park promote its' Tiger Trail
Staff are needed to usher graduands and guests, and to carry out other duties at the Anglican Cathedral during our March ceremonies this bicentenary year.
It is with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of Professor John Somauroo.
Updated Staff Expenses Policy from 1st August 2020
Costis Maganaris, of the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, has been appointed a COVID-19 advisor to Public Health England.
Stunning awards made from plant starch and containing copper nano-particles will be handed out at the Research and Knowledge Exchange awards next week.
IT Services will soon be migrating staff email accounts to provide us with greater security, increased storage limits and easier accessibility.
From today, you will see changes to the main megamenu navigation bar and footer at the top and bottom of each webpage and the main banner image on the homepage.
A new staff lounge is now open in Byrom Street as part of a programme of works to enhance facilities in our City Campus.