Travelling to Exchange Station
Here you will find information about travelling to Exchange Station including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to Exchange Station including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
See the Physical Activity Exchange's publications.
Find out more about the what The Football Exchange Women’s Network (FExWN) events taking place below.
Find out more about the group members of the Physical Activity Exchange.
Find out more about the engagement and impact of the Physical Activity Exchange.
As a student at any of our exchange partners you are welcome to study abroad at LJMU for a semester or full academic year. Find out how you can apply for exchange study at Liverpool John Moores University.
Find out more about accommodation for exchange students at LJMU. LJMU guarantee accommodation for incoming exchange students. All our halls are centrally located and you will be able to select an option suitable to your budget.
LJMU has an exchange programme with Southern Connecticut State University. Find out how you can study for a semester in an American University.
Our research is applied in nature and is focused on physical activity, sedentary behaviour, fitness and health in laboratory and various real world settings.
Find out more about the Football Exchange Women's Network.