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  1. The history of Elder Dempster Lines

    Read more about the history of Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.

  2. Starting a business

    Attend LJMU's free two-day course to turn your business idea into reality. Learn more and check our course dates.

  3. Interested in delivering a session

    If you have some expertise or best practice you would like to share with colleagues by delivering a staff development session, please have a conversation with us about it.

  4. The Critical Research Seminar Series

    The Critical Research Seminars are a series of talks and debates that examine social policy. Seminar topics include: policing, youth justice, prison policy, drugs policy, death in custody and violence against women.

  5. Timeline – Elder Dempster

    Browse through the dates on the Elder Dempster timeline to learn more about the history of the Elder Dempster Lines shipping company.

  6. About the Elder Dempster project

    The Homeward Bound: A Liverpool-West Africa Heritage Project documents the lives and memories of Elder Dempster’s seafaring and office staff. As part of the project, we recorded 25 oral testimonies.

  7. Ian Walker interview

    Ian Walker was a Fourth Engineer for Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Ian Walker's interview.