Staff profiles
Our academic staff
At Liverpool John Moores University, our staff are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning and to delivering an exceptional student experience.
To find out more about the background and research interests of a member of our academic staff, use the A-Z search below.
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Dr Stacey Habergham-Mawson
Rachel Hagan
Dr Moustafa Haj Youssef
Lauren Hall
Claire Hanlon
Dr Marcus Hansen
Amy Elizabeth Hardwick
Dr Iain Hargreaves
Dr Daniel Harman
Amanda Harper
Karl Harper
Matthew Harper
Dr Jane Harris
Ronald Harris
Beccy Harrison
Steve Harrison
Dr Dave Harriss
Prof David Harvey
Dr Max Hashem Eiza
Dr Sidgi Hasson
Jimmy Haughey
Dr Gordon Hay
Anne Hayes
Emily Hayes
Dr Sarah Haynes
Dr Michael Healy-Kalesh
Evelyn Hearne
David Heffernan-Clarke
Laura Helsby
Carmel Henshall
Dr Jonathan Henshaw
Dr Robert Hesketh
Rebecca Hetherington
Dr Emma Hill
Melanie Hills
Dr Danielle Hinchcliffe (Gilroy)
Erica Hincks
Tracy Hincks
Dr Ann Hindley
Ben Hindley
Dr Matthew Hindmarsh
Katie Hoad
Prof Glyn Hobbs
Catherine Hogan
Sarah Hogarth
Prof Mark Hollands
Jim Hollinshead
Ashley Holmes
Melissa Holt-Brewster
Dr Edward Hope
Prof Vivian Hope
Sandra Hopkins
Rebecca Houghton
Rachel Howard
Dr Holly Howitt-Dring
Dr Teri Howson-Griffiths
Daniel Hsiang Hsu
Dr Alun Hughes
Emily Hughes
Irene Hughes
Tricia Hughes
Kate Hulme
Tabo Huntley
Sadruddin Husain
Dr Hiba Hussein
Prof Gillian Hutcheon
Trudy Hutchison
Christine Hylands
Dr Katie Hyslop