'Policing' put on equal standing with traditional academic subjects
Quality Assurance Agency set out standards for degrees for police trainees
Quality Assurance Agency set out standards for degrees for police trainees
We have 60 on campus which anyone can access and use in the event of an emergency.
To provide as much planning time as possible we can confirm that the LJMU professorship and readership conferment process for 2023/24 will open from 27 November 2023.
Planning permission has been granted for a new £19 million Shakespeare theatre for Prescot, Knowsley, which will have education at its heart.
The Director of the Liverpool Logistics Offshore and Marine Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University - Prof. Jin Wang - has been awarded the prestigious 2018 IMechE Award for Risk Reduction in Mechanical Engineering.
Research examines impact of Rapid Access to Alcohol Detox Acute Referral (RADAR)
Join the Student Futures team for a series of events helping you think about your future goals. The sessions are friendly, open to students from any programme or year group and will help you gain clarity on your next steps.
We're looking to have a better understanding of mentoring at LJMU via a short survey
Researchers have discovered c.14,600 animals still live in the wild today - 8,000 more than expected.
We’re keen to understand how our own LJMU community might be planning to mark the event coming to Liverpool, and we can help to co-create and promote your Eurovision related events and initiatives.