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  1. Admissions Policy update

    The LJMU Admissions Policy has recently undergone some minor amendments and the updated version can be found in the Policy Centre.

  2. In memoriam Professor Peter Fowler

    Former colleague Tony Hughes has shared a tribute about Professor Fowler’s life and incredible contributions in the field of digital education.

  3. How will Actus benefit you?

    Colleagues across LJMU have begun using Actus, our brand new online platform to support staff development.

  4. Academic Board election results 2023

    A host of representatives from our faculties, along with professional services, have been elected to the Academic Board following a series of elections that took place over the past fortnight.

  5. Academic Registry invigilation training

    Training sessions will be held via Microsoft Teams throughout April and will cover the main aspects of the role of invigilators, including responsibilities prior to, during and following the completion of the examination.